preventive dentistry
The book -to-date highlights the etiology and pathogenesis of one of the most
common human diseases - dental caries.
A detailed account of his treatment with the use of modern methods of
anesthesia, sedation, psychological preparation of patients.
The characteristics of filling materials used for dental examination.
Described medicated drugs used in endodontics.
Presents modern methods of endodontic treatments, including description of the
applied endodontic instruments , techniques and tooling root canal, as well as
ways to improve the quality of endodontic treatment .
A separate section is devoted to the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical and
morphological characteristics of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease, as
well as the basic principles of complex therapy of chronic generalized
periodontitis at outpatient dental reception .
The final section provides methodological bases of the organization periodontal
All this suggests that the book will be useful as an experienced dentist, and
young physicians.
The book is intended for students, interns, residents, dentists, teachers,
dental medical faculties of universities, individuals enrolled in the system of
postgraduate education.