Medical programs

 Medical programs presented on this page in The majority are created by practising doctors, people who Know that is necessary for the clinical physician. Computer medical Programs it for a long time already not the future of many doctors. We Try to facilitate work of the doctor, creating medical Programs. The medical literature which so is necessary For the expert, this one, but quite another matter The computer program on medicine, briefly, is Speed of information search, increase of degree of a faultlessness In work with the patient, ordering of the data, The given reason self-confidence and the ideal adviser, Which always nearby.Медицинские the programs presented on this page in the majority are created by practising doctors, people who know that is necessary for the clinical physician. Computer medical programs it for a long time already not the future of many doctors. We try to facilitate work of the doctor, creating medical programs. The medical literature which so is necessary for the expert, this one, but quite another matter the computer program on medicine, briefly, is a speed of information search, increase of degree of a faultlessness in work with the patient, ordering of the data, the given reason self-confidence and the ideal adviser, which always nearby.
We are not going to stop on it, already in a phase End some projects among which it would be desirable To allocate the program “the Directory Surgical operations”, We did it 10 years, and soon it will be published on pleasure To you, my dear colleagues. For now enjoy that already Is created.

  The list of programs


 The directory of clinical symptoms and Syndromes

 Elektrolit 1.0

 Infuzion Therapy at children's


 Recommendations about rendering The first help


 Interactive ECG for  windows


 Tones and heart noise


 ECG heart simulator

 To itself Coprolog

 100 Electrocardiogram problems


 Acceptance decisions in intensive therapy


 Syndromes of critical conditions


 Common Sense Emergency Abdominal Surgeryи

 Measuring 1.2

 Connection of fabrics in surgery


 The program For calculation parenteral food for the cellular


 The program For an estimation bioptats of liver


 Database of toxicological branch


 The program For volume calculation infusion therapies

 The diagnostician

 The program For the control over dynamics of glucose of blood


 Tests on sotsionic type


 Primary survey The patient in branch of sharp poisonings


 Calculation parenteral a food


 The directory Surgical operations



 The atlas on Ultrasonic diagnostics



 Medical-diagnostic manipulations in surgery



Additional program


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